Thursday, September 23, 2010

Filipinnovation, the Way Forward

We’re in the new generation of the new president. The only formula to be a progressive country is within us, the human nation. If all just strive hard and have perseverance, the Philippines maybe also one of the rich countries. Also the higher officials who are sitting there, if they’ll just be true and honest with their works, the Philippines may not experience poverty and hunger, our country will not be in misery. So I hope this brand new era, our president should not be influence by bad auras around him. I put my trust on him. I can see he has the ability to continue the legacy of his parents. The Filipinos should cooperate and have one heartbeat to lead our nation way up forward.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Breaking Barriers Through English

Most of the time when we Tweet or post something in our social networking sites, we learned to use English language so that it will be more catchy or it is more pleasant to ear. And we also used English so that some people can understand what are we saying. Especially when we post comments or ask something. Using English can really open doors to other nationalities, we can communicate, understand and learn from it.
So break out!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Meaning of a Hero

Our very own first mentor is our mother.And our first leanings came from our home, our first school. It started with our family.
These learning from our home is enough for us to use, so we entered the second degree, 'the school'. We began to socialized and understood diverse circumstances in life.m Our knowledge were broaden and we started different sentiments. We started to appreciate, hate, escape and ignore. I know. you also experienced and did those things. Teachers have big impact in student's life cause they are the ones teaching us. Giving their time, voice and helping hand when we needed to.And other teachers climb mountains just to give new learnings/lessons to their beloved students. I really those diligent teachers. I can say that they're heroes. They deserve compensation for their good works.
No mater what you are, as long as you do the right move that can lift up others' life.
You're a HERO for me!